In Memory of Chris Camarena


Our son, Christopher Ryan Camarena was born on April 10th 1986 at Research Medical Center in Kansas City Mo. He was always a “city boy” , raised on the run by parents sorely lacking in the early years how how to handle a wild, free spirited child but loved by those same parents more than could possibly have been imagined.What I have come to learn since his death is the impact he had on so many people. Who could have imagined that one young man at age 18 would leave behind so many friends and casual aquaintances, adults and peers alike, stinging and hurting at his passing. Although this should bring us some comfort, it is too early to indulge ourselves in that luxury and the wound is still too tender and fresh, easily irritated. All of them are hurting and in pain at their loss, each looking for some reason or explanation for the unexplicable.